Thursday, March 31, 2011


I want to tell the truth.
Not just the not-telling-lies truth,
the "See? I'm-an-honest-person" truth,
I want to speak the Truth truth.

Make me a Truth-teller because I want to talk
to glazed-over parts
passed-over parts
tucked away
shoved away
not-so-pretty parts.

Make me a Truth-teller rooting for our wholeness,
fearless against
run-for-your-life parts.

For there is a Father who see us.
He tells us the truth
and He is not dismayed.
He says, "You are lovely."

So as for my sight, I will use it like His sight.
These eyes will see scar after scar
healing after healing
despair after despair
hope after hope
and I will not be dismayed.
I will say, "You are lovely."

Because I want to tell the Truth.
Not just the not-telling-lies truth,
the "See? I'm-an-honest-person" truth,
I want to speak the TRUTH truth.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Monday, March 07, 2011

the drugstore

After an exceedingly crazy library book sale,
Cassidy and I continued on our walk.
My college town is changing but I was thankful that the downtown has mostly stayed the same.
I rejoiced over this drugstore.
I've never set foot in it but I hope it never goes away.